My god...
Sonic...Mortal Kombat...ghetto defies all logic...
Okay, lack of plot notwithstanding, it's not really a bad series. This flash is a step up from part one, and I really like how the MK sprites are crisp and clear (I wish I could say the same about Sonic though - poor guy looks like he's about to split into a million little pixels any second). The fight sequences are - obviously - the highlight of the movie; its really cool to see Sonic kicking the butts of guys practically four times his size. There's just two things I didn't really understand...
1) Aren't Jax and Johnny Cage good guys? What beef do they have with Sonic??
2) Since when did Rayden go ghetto? When he was dancing, half of me wanted to laugh, and the other half was screaming "wtf??!!"
Overall, it was alright. In the future, try adding more of the female characters from MK(ie Sonya, Sindel), and more fatality moves. And maybe...I dunno, MORE PLOT!!!